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Monday, December 5, 2011
Fibroids and the Detection of Uterine Fibroids
Approximately 30 to 40% of women suffer from uterine fibroids that are usually benign growths that are found on the uterine muscle. Fibroids and their treatment continue to be researched and one of the important factors known is that they mainly affect black women. Women of other races are also affected but to a lesser extent. This article discusses fibroids and the detection of uterine fibroids.
It is important to know that most fibroids do not require any treatment and do not cause problems. Other fibroids however may cause heavy menstrual cycles. The heavy blood loss associated with these heavy periods can lead to anemia or debilitation. In other cases, these heavy periods can lead to a condition known as "compression syndrome". This condition affects the adjacent body organs such as the bladder leading to frequent urination, or bloating and constipation.
Fibroids can also press on the nerves and lead to backache or a bulging abdominal area that is aesthetically displeasing.
It can also be confusing to determine if you have fibroids or ovarian cysts. A doctor will be able to give a proper diagnosis. An ovarian cyst is a fluid filled sac on the ovary that may also develop in the fallopian tube. A fibroid on the other hand is a muscle growth that is solid and smooth that develops on the uterus walls. Both are usually benign (non-cancerous).
Fibroids usually develop during the later reproductive years and have been found in women over 35 years of age in 1/3 of the cases. As previously mentioned, they mainly affect black women or women who have a family history of fibroids.
Fibroids do not usually produce symptoms in most women and are usually detected in much the same way as ovarian cysts though normal pelvic exams. An ultrasound can also be administered to detect the fibroids. An ultrasound can also differentiate between a fibroid and an ovarian cyst.
Uterine fibroids usually become a problem when they become large in size thus leading to increased pressure on the bladder or rectum or a protruding belly. Large fibroids can also lead to heavy periods or severe pain in the pelvic region.
Fibroids are most common in the uterus or womb and are benign. They usually develop in the uterine wall and attach to the wall. They can also migrate outside the uterus. Fibroids can develop as a single tumor or develop into clusters of tumors.
Fibroids - When to Seek Medical Treatment
1. Pain in the pelvic region or abdominal area
2. Heavy or irregular menstrual cycles or bleeding or spotting between periods
3. Night sweats or if you experience fever
4. Unusual increasing abdominal girth
5. Fertility concerns with inability to fall pregnant or other pregnancy concerns
Immediate medical treatment should be sought if any of the following occur;
a. Prolonged or intense abdominal pain or severe and prolonged pain in the pelvic region.
b. If the menstrual cycle involves heavy bleeding that soaks up more that three pads or tampons each hour.
c. If you experience dizziness, shortness of breath or chest pain due to vaginal bleeding, etc.
d. If you experience vaginal bleeding related to possible pregnancy or current pregnancy.
Uterine Fibroids - Test and Exams
a. Endometrial biopsy - A small tool is used to get small samples of tissue from the uterus.
b. Trans-vaginal or Pelvic Ultrasound - Sound waves are used to give your physician a view of your pelvic area in order to determine the size, number and shape of the fibroids.
c. Hysterosalpingography - A dye is administered into the uterus and fallopian tube. An x-ray is then used to identify the fibroids.
d. Hysteroscopy - A small fiber optic camera is used to view the uterus through the cervix opening.
e. Laparoscopy - A Small fiber optic camera is also used here that is inserted through the abdomen in order to view the internal organs.
Before fibroids become severe, there are various holistic or natural remedies that have been shown to work wonders in treating and curing fibroids. These are preferred by a growing number of women because they are less invasive and the sufferers can avoid surgery some of which includes a hysterectomy.
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
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Sunday, November 27, 2011
How To Get Free Samples By Mail Easily
You know the saying, "nothing in life is ever free"? I have to disagree. You can get free samples by mail every single week and not pay a dime. In fact, you can get free full size products, books, computer programs, and more. For this article, we'll just stick to samples. First we'll talk about why companies would spend so much money to send people free stuff, and then we'll cover how you can get in on the action. You may wonder, why would I want just a sample? I'll tell you a few ideas you can use the samples for as well.
So, why would companies spend money to send out thousands of free samples, not charge shipping, and seemingly get nothing out of it? It's simple... it's advertising. If they can get you to try the product, you may come back and buy full size products. Not only that, you'll brag to your friends about the products, and they'll become interested. The company is already set in a good light because they have given you something free, and people appreciate the chance to try before you buy. But isn't it a gamble to send out all of those free samples when the customer may in fact hate the product and not buy it? Yeah, but that is a chance the company is willing to take. Even negative advertising is advertising, and some people may try things just to see why their friends thought so poorly of it. Hey, it happens! What they are hoping though, is that you'll love it, tell all your friends, and that they'll have loyal customers for life.
How can you get in on these free samples? You have to know where to find them and sign up for them. Each week, tons of blogs list free samples by mail that you can sign up for. Some do a weekly round up and some list them as they find out about them. Anna & Essie does a Freebie Friday post with a list of the latest free samples by mail. So, get on the net and get to searching...you'll find lots of stuff you can get. When it comes in your mailbox it's really fun. Especially on days you get eight to ten in one day and you feel like it's a mini-Christmas. Do remember that each free sample campaign is while supplies last. Not every sign up program has the ability to cut the entry form off when the number of requests reach the limit. You will get some that you sign up for, and some you will never see. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to start getting them once you start signing up. This may seem like a long time, but remember that if you're signing up every week, once those initial ones start, you'll be seeing them more and more often.
What types of free samples by mail can you expect? Shampoo, crackers and food, beauty products, you name it. You can do more with these than just use them yourself. If you have a friend getting married or going away on a special weekend, make him or her a little travel gift basket. If you travel a lot, you can use top name brand shampoos on your your trip rather than a little bottle that just says "shampoo" on it at the hotel. Give food samples to your kid's class for a variety snack time, or put the samples in your purse for when you're out with the kids. Tampon and pad samples are great for women on the go, they fit nicely in your purse and you'll have them when you need them (or your best pal does).
Whatever the reason or use, getting free samples by mail is fun and easy. Get started signing up today and four to six weeks from now, you'll have a mailbox full of fun!
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
How to Detect If You Have Yeast Infection
If you simply rely on looking at vaginal discharges to detect yeast infection, then you are definitely on the wrong track. Women normally have vaginal discharges at certain points in their menstrual cycle, and this does not mean that they suffer from yeast infections already.
If vaginal discharges are coupled with itchiness and burning sensations in the genitalia, then you might have yeast infection. However, you need to keep in mind that there are also other vaginal infections which are not caused by fungus. Trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis are caused by parasites and bacteria, but the symptoms of these are very similar to that of the fungal yeast infection.
Correct diagnosis from a trusted doctor is the most essential step in dealing with yeast infections. An improper diagnosis always leads to improper treatment, which can aggravate your yeast infection. Say, if you actually have yeast infection but you have been misdiagnosed for bacteria-caused infections like vaginosis, the doctor might prescribe you with antibiotics. Antibiotics do not kill yeast fungi; they can make the situation worse by killing the good bacteria that prevents overgrowth of the yeast fungi.
If you seek for professional help in detecting yeast infection, the physician might perform pelvic examinations and obtain discharge samples from your vagina. These clinical tests can determine whether or not you are really suffering from yeast infection or from bacteria-caused vaginal infection.
The Wet Prep/Wet Mount Test
A vaginal wet mount or smear helps a lot in identifying the cause of vaginal irritation. There is no risk involved in the vaginal wet mount procedure, and it can only take a few minutes before it is done.
Before undergoing this clinical procedure, you will need to disrobe from the waist down and then put on a hospital gown or drape. You will be asked to lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet set on the stirrups. A sterile metal or plastic tool called speculum will be inserted into your vagina to keep it slightly open. This procedure is not painful, although you might feel a slight discomfort.
The doctor will do a pelvic examination to check for inflammation in the vulva skin and inside the vagina, after which the doctor will insert a moist and sterile cotton swab to retrieve samples of your vaginal secretions.
Once enough samples are obtained, the swab and speculum will be removed. The discharge samples will be prepared into slides and will be checked under the microscope for evidence of yeast fungus. Some of the specimen might be put into culture to determine if yeast or another type of microorganism is present.
As a preparation for this test, you will be instructed not to use douche, tampons, or vaginal medications 24 hours before the wet mount is performed.
A vaginal wet mount might yield inaccurate results if it's done during menstrual period, as menstrual blood might interfere with the microscopic examination and test results. Pregnant women, or even those who might be pregnant, should inform the examining health professional before performing the wet mount.
Friday, November 18, 2011
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